The stock market is like someone playing with a yo-yo while riding an escalator – you need to focus on the escalator not the yo-yo.
Our Partners In
Local Investments
As a rule, we are conservative investors as most of our investors are retired or near retirement. Our portfolios are carefully constructed to withstand market volatility and offer consistent steady growth. Our independent nature ensures that we offer all products through all the major service providers, however, the final decision comes down to what complements our clients’ best interests.
Our Partners in
Off-Shore Investments
We are comfortable with their in-houses processes and research capabilities and also focus on the quality of the fund managers themselves. Our research and due diligence includes qualitative and quantitative analysis to focus on each asset manager’s philosophy and investment process.
Our Partners In
business & Life Assurance
In the long-term space we use a variety of service providers and our decision ultimately comes down to which company best suits the client’s assurance needs and what is going to cost them the least. We have no preferred providers and when providing clients with options we make use of the following houses:
You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.
– Mae West –
Resolute Wealth Management is an authorised Financial Services Provider – FSP No: 13798
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